This Mini Course will Be Released On 1st March 2024!
NEW AUTHORIZE YOUR SELF METHOD: The First In A Series of Success Programs By Andy Raingold:
Helps You To Unlock The Power Within and Pave Your Path To MASSIVE Success... Starting NOW!

ATTENTION: Here's How You Can At Last Turn Your Mind Into A Potently Powerful Ally:

That Supports You Every Step Of The Way!

Instead Of Working Against You!

Here's How You Can At Last Create A Powerfully Potent Mindset... and Turn a Confused Mind into a Potent Tool That Aids Your Success!

... and At the Same Time Create A More Hospitable Environement  and A Much Improved Outlook & Perspective!

Let me ask you a question...

Are you desperately trying to achieve more in your life but your feelings of self-doubt and fear, as well as negative thought patterns render you powerless to take big enough steps to make even a small dent in the progress towards your goals?

It may seem that at every corner, life is placing obstacles in your path that hinder and sometimes completely halt your progress.

On top of that...

Your Environment...Doesn’t Match
Your Thoughts!

...and So, Things Just Don’t Seem To Gel For You!

But what if your thoughts were powerfully positive and supportive of your personal goals and aims?

And what if your environment reflected your thoughts about yourself and your life in a good uplifting powerfully positive way?

In other words, what if your mindset was in sync with every area of your life?

A Real Powerful Mindset is something completely different to the one you are most likely carrying around with you right now, and only becomes available after...

Claiming Power & Control, Over... YOURSELF!

...and then over your immediate environment, mindspace and perspective.

Lack of A Powerful Mindset will lead you to a deflated version of yourself and your life that is most likely filled with struggle and disappointment and often a state of confusion. 

But let's get something straight right now.

You do not have to move through life in a confused state where you are pushing through life in a confused way hoping that the confusion will end.

But today you are in a unique position because not only is the lack of a powerfully potent mindset going to be a thing of the past but your ability to mold your environment to your own liking is also going to be massively enhanced once you begin to clear the way and...

Make Use Of The Most Powerful Mind-Setting Systems Available!

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 TOTAL: $97 ONLY $37 (USD)

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Get started on your success journey risk-free with the Authorize Your Mind, "Creating Your Own Universe." package. If you're not satisfied within 30 days, get a full refund. No questions asked. Put your mind to work for you today!

Creating Your Own Universe Upgrade 

Click the image below to get the upgraded version for just $47.

You'll receive:

Creating Your Own Universe PLUS! The Complete Third Level "Creating Your Own Universe" Package. Includeing audio/video version! PLUS 3 Bonuses!


Creating Your Own Universe!

Mindset For A Better Life Experience!

Creating Your Own Universe will help sync your
mind, life, and environment
like no other system can!

The silliest thing I see people doing is continuing to live a life of self-doubt, fear and negative mindsets which bypasses one of the most essential ingredients of all success...

THE WAY That You Do - The Things That You Do!

With Creating Your Own Universe, it's impossible to make that rookie mistake.
You really can't afford to live any more of your life without this precious life changing, mind enhancing tool...

Which is why you absolutely must step into the realm of greater possibilities and Start Creating Your Own Universe right now! ... and discover:

  • How Becoming The Teacher: makes you the master and student of your own life and puts control at your own feet that then inspires you into massive personal growth.

  • The Importance of A Solid Rock Foundation: that then helps you create a veritable roadmap to wealth by giving you a simple straightforward direction in your own life.

  • How Developing Your Skill Level Gives You The Power to know where you are on your journey so you can more easily know what you need to do to get where you want to be.

  • The Theory Of Practice: that helps you gain a better understanding of your development progress then gives a clearer roadmap of where you need to go to get what you want.

  • How Creating Your Own Universe: gives you a new perspective for even more success and allows you to see, then more easily control your environments.

  • How You Should Do The Things That You Do: that helps you to better know yourself so that your mindset is always a winning mindset that enhances your progress.

  • What Self-Talk Is And What It Is Not: and allows you to remove negative programming and emotions more easily so you can move through success more confidently in a state conducive of even greater success and achievements.

  • How To Command Change: that helps you change any aspect of yourself and to emerge with a more positive outlook in all areas of your life.

  • How Stepping Out Of The Lazy Zone: removes a common misconception to help you better understand the success process which puts you “in the zone” more of the time to achieve phenomenal results.

  • Magnified View Of Reality: which gives you a more profound understanding of who you are and how you fit into the world so you can begin to acheive your full potential in a more scientific exacting way.

I think you get the idea...

To claim your copy, just fill in your details and click on the 'Get Started Now' button on this page, right now... and Authorize Your Mind to Succeed On Your Own Terms!

But WAIT! that's not all... For a limited time, we are also going to include...


The Creating Your Own Universe Bonus Packages...
Procrastination Killer
Discover the killer strategies to get rid of procrastination and get things done FAST! What you’re about to learn in Procrastination Killer is the ultimate productivity booster.
The Growth Mindset
How to stop yourself being trapped in a limiting mindset that prevents you from attaining success. Instead, you become positive, creative, and motivated!
Success Rituals
Discover these simple yet empowering success habits and apply them in your daily life to achieve even more success in every area of your life.